The Karken: Advanced Upper Body Focused Development by Kevin WIkse

 Kevin Wikse

Today (5/21/2024), I stumbled upon a wondrous pearl from the depths of my early writing (2010)—a sunken treasure swallowed by the vast ocean of Google Documents. "Monstrous Strength" is a 10-volume series of body-targeted and function-specific strength training programs inspired by fearsome monsters of myth and legend. Written during a time when I was actively pursuing an MMA career and training to be a Circus Strongman, I believed these volumes were forever lost. However, it seems the Fates have conspired to unleash these mythic beasts upon the world once more.

Here is an excerpt from my soon-to-be-released Kraken program:


The original date of writing is 7/9/2010.

**Kraken Strength Training Program**

Few creatures stir the unconscious mind like the Kraken. This massive, mysterious beast rises from unfathomable depths, feeding on whatever it finds, leaving destruction in its wake. Alien in nature, the Kraken emerges from our darkest dreams only to return to those unexplored recesses, far beneath surface-level thought, to places most of us would prefer to remain unaware. Our subconscious is an ocean—a Herculean expanse of unrealized desires churning within a lightless void, home to the Kraken, which drifts within the uncharted psyches of us all. It navigates these undercurrents, embodying a hidden power that is both hideously repulsive and undeniably appealing.

The Kraken's tentacles, towering and wide as modern skyscrapers, violently explode from the water, piercing the clouds before crashing down with thunderous force. These formidable appendages splinter ships and shatter minds, demonstrating the raw, brutal strength that the Kraken possesses. This program is designed to help you unlock your own inner Kraken, transforming your arms into fearsome tentacles capable of devastating feats.

**Training Regimen**

1. **Tentacle Reach and Flex**

   - Focus: Biceps and Forearms

   - Exercise: Heavy Barbell Curls, Concentration Curls

   - Description: Emulate the Kraken's tentacles with exercises that build powerful, defined biceps and forearms.

2. **Tentacle Grip**

   - Focus: Grip Strength

   - Exercise: Dead Hangs, Farmer's Walks, Heavy Grippers

   - Description: Develop a crushing grip reminiscent of the Kraken's ability to seize and pull down ships.

3. **Tentacle Slam**

   - Focus: Core and Shoulders

   - Exercise: Clubbell Casts, Overhead Press

   - Description: Generate explosive power in your core and shoulders to mimic the Kraken's thunderous tentacle slams.

4. **Tentacle Endurance**

   - Focus: Cardiovascular and Muscular Endurance

   - Exercise: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Battle Ropes

   - Description: Build the stamina to maintain relentless, powerful movements, just like the Kraken in pursuit of its prey.

Plus MUCH more! 

Mindset and Focus.

Achieving Kraken-like strength requires more than physical training—it demands mental fortitude. Embrace the dark, primal power within you. Visualize the Kraken's might as you train, and let its image fuel your determination and focus. Every rep, every setbrings you closer to unlocking your own monstrous potential.

This is not just a workout program; it is a journey into the depths of your own strength. Harness the raw, fearsome power of the Kraken, and let it propel you to new heights of physical and mental prowess.


Get ready to unleash your inner beast and transform your strength training with the Kraken program. Stay tuned for the release of "Monstrous Strength" and devour all challengers!

"In the labyrinth of our unconscious minds, few entities evoke the primal terror and fascination of the Kraken. This colossal, enigmatic beast ascends from the abyssal depths to feast upon whatever it encounters, bringing with it a maelstrom of destruction and horror. The Kraken, alien and fearsome, emerges from the recesses of our darkest dreams, only to vanish back into the hidden realms of our subconscious—realms we often prefer to remain unexplored. Our subconscious is an ocean, a vast, turbulent expanse of unfulfilled desires and hidden fears, where the Kraken drifts within the uncharted waters of our psyches. It navigates these undercurrents, embodying a power both repulsive and irresistibly alluring.

Ancient seafaring sagas depict the Kraken as a gargantuan, squid-like aberration of unparalleled size and ferocity. Its immense tentacles, as tall and wide as modern skyscrapers, burst from the ocean, piercing the sky before crashing down with thunderous force, shattering ships and minds alike. The fortunate perished swiftly in the Kraken's onslaught, while the unfortunate were subjected to a mind-rending ordeal—gasping for breath in frigid, tumultuous waters, desperately seeking refuge from the relentless tentacles that hunted them amidst the wreckage. They languished in abject terror, watching as their comrades were dragged underwater into the Kraken's enormous beaked maw, awaiting their own inevitable doom.

There was no escape.

The few survivors were forever haunted. Their peace of mind was shattered, and they no longer saw the ocean as a mere body of water but as a vast, insatiable maw that had tasted them and now called their names in the crashing waves, greedily licking its lips with the rolling tide. The Kraken's tentacles, transcending their physical reach, remained latched to the souls of those men, pulling their psyches ever deeper into the abyssal darkness, proving that some wounds are too deep for time to heal.

It is the secret desire of every man to possess such raw, brutal power—strength so overwhelming that it leaves an indelible mark on the memories of those who witness it. Subconsciously, we view a person's arms as a measure of their strength. Images of flexing biceps are used to advertise products as extra strength. Our arms symbolize our ability to interact with the physical world, our reach, and the skill with which we can exert influence. The sight of muscular arms stirs something deep within us; we instinctively recognize the potential for both safety and danger and seek to understand the individual to whom they belong.

Young boys compare bicep size, arm wrestle, and compete to determine who is the strongest and ultimately the alpha male. The strength of a man's arms, fair or not, is part of his measure. In our civilized society, we like to pretend that physical prowess doesn't matter, but this society loves nothing more than to lie to itself.

In the modern world, truly strong arms are often seen as mythical—Hollywood muscle, all show and no substance. Yet, on rare occasions, a true set of mighty arms emerges, causing devastation and wreaking havoc on pretenders. Whether through tremendous feats of strength or direct application in sports or combat, these encounters leave lasting impressions, seizing hold of the memories of those present and leaving indelible marks within their minds.

The Kraken is a mass of wickedly awesome tentacles, its most fearsome and formidable feature. These tentacles embrace man and boat alike in a death grip, pulling them into an eternal slumber filled with dreams of watery graves, silent screams, and bodies adrift in the tide.

You can train to release the behemoth strength of your own inner Kraken and transform your human arms into its dreaded tentacles. There is something darkly satisfying about shaking another man's hand and seeing in his eyes the realization that your grip strength far exceeds his own. Or when you tie up in a fight or grappling match with such tenacious strength that you can feel the sinking feeling within your opponent, knowing the matchup is about to go very badly for him.

Why fight such a primordial instinct to possess this might? The real battle lies in controlling the beast once set free. With a demanding training program, you will develop the mental fortitude to do just that."

-Kevin Wikse.
